Non-math jokes
Why don't scientists trust atoms?
Answer: Because they make up everything.
A hungry panda bear went to a sidewalk cafe and ordered two calzones. He ate the calzones, stood up from his chair, pulled out a gun from his pocket and fired two shots. Everyone in the cafe stared to watch him then exit the cafe. Why did the panda bear do this?
pandas eat shoots and leaves
@The-Blade-Dancer Yes, you got it!!
What’s the best thing about Switzerland?
The flag’s is a big ‘plus’. -
Why do actors tell each other to ‘break a leg’?
Because every play has a cast. -
What’s the difference between a cat
and a comma , ?
A cat has claws at the end of paws.
A comma is a pause at the end of a clause. , -
What do you call a fake noodle
Im-pasta!(unintentional among us reference)
I waited all night, thinking where the sun would rise.
Then it dawned on me. -
What do you call an apology letter written in dots and dashes?
Re-Morse code. -
What did the buffalo say when his son left for college?
Bi-son. -
What is the astronaut’s favourite part of a keyboard?
Space bar. -
Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself?
Because it is two tired. -
What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back?
A stick. -
Today, an old lady
at the bank
asked me to check her balance
So I pushed her over. -
LOL haha
wow LOL XD
It makes sense though