Module 2 Final Challenge Problem 16
In Problem 16, there is a variable "a" which have no definition to it, what does the "a" mean?
@victorioussheep You're talking about this question, right?
First off, let's consider what the question is asking. We have two circles with two different radii, \(R\) and \(r\). We want to find the values of \(R\) and \(r\). However, the question doesn't ask for specifically, \(R\) and \(r\). It's asking that for SOME value \(a\), \(R=ar\).For example, if \(R\) is twice as long as \(r\), \(R=2r\). This would mean that \(a=2\). If \(R\) is three times as long as \(r\), \(R=3r\). This means \(a=3\). I'm just using fake numbers right now, try the problem and see what you actually get. It might not be a nice, clean integer (could be a fraction!)
Hope this makes sense, if not, feel free to ask!
One last thing-- here's another way to think about the problem: we're trying to find \(a\), and \(R=ar\), then \(\frac{R}{r}=a\). In other words, \(a\) is just the ratio of the bigger radius to the smaller radius! See if that helps
@quacker88 Oh, since I didn't see any variable of "a" except for the R=ar.......But now I knows it