@divinedolphin I'm guessing that the language barrier might have something to do with it
A lot of the media coverage about Prof. Loh isn't in English.
Oh yea right
@RZ923 It's the summer break so this isn't for school, right? Anyways, like Debbie said, lot's of info about Prof. Loh isn't in English but you should still be able to find some stuff if you search him up.
Wikipedia has a paragraph about him
@divinedolphin He's pretty well known, but still, most people probably don't know him. It's just that he seems famous in this forum because this forum is made by him.
@CoherentMango Thanks for the info!
Sorry I couldn’t use it because I had completed the bio. -
@RZ923 It's fine, the paragraph on Wikipedia doesn't say much anyways.
Funny thing is, a lot of people don't know who even Terence Tao is. Even my math teacher hasn't heard about him!
@divinedolphin Wow lol
He's basically one of the smartest people living right now
Maybe even the smartest
But then again, many different people are really good at different things
@Potato2017 I think Terence Tao’s IQ is literally higher than Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein... wow
PS Terence Tao is my second option -
@Potato2017 @RZ923
Iq tests aren't really accurate and can be easily studied for.Many people who are also very smart have been passed because they didn't do iq tests(even if they did I doubt it would be that high if you don't study and you are still getting introduced to the format and type of questions). The chance of him being the smartest person out of 7 billion ppl is extremely low.
Also, we don't know much about how smart Issac Newton and Albert Einstein really is. They lived in a completely different timeline than us and the only proof about them is from books and documents and other old stuff.He's smart nevertheless, but this kid is definitely the smartest person overall. -
Terence Tao is really really smart, like probably smarter than Prof. Loh, but Prof. Loh is probably the nicest IMO coach ever.
It's been found that as time went on through the years the average IQ scored on tests were incredibly higher it's a matter of the test and often not the person
@The-Rogue-Blade Yes, each iq test is incredibly different and the scores vary a lot. Still, people could practice for the tests to get even higher scores.
I personally don't think that IQ tests really mean anything. They're just a number given to you based on how you did on a test, so basically just a test score.
@Potato2017 @CoherentMango @The-Rogue-Blade Yes, but nowadays people don't really view it as a standard test, they think of it and refer to it more as a "joke" about how to measure how smart someone is. I don't believe that most people take it seriously and, instead, often make cracks like, "[name] is so smart, I bet his/her IQ is even higher than the professor's!", or something like that. We know that Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein were definitely very perceptive and clever, so we associate "smart" and having a "high IQ" to them. Of course, like you have said, IQ tests aren't very accurate and don't determine how smart you are or what you are capable of learning.
I discovered there was a video made by Ted-Ed that probably will give more info on IQ tests
I agree with what everyone said about the IQ tests, how it is unreliable and the score varies a lot, and the score also depends on the state or condition of a person, ie a sleeping smart person may do worse in an IQ test than a vigorous average person, and a intelligent but frail old professor may do worse than a healthy young man.
@RZ923 That's the video I referenced when I talked about consistently increasing IQ scores!