@placidmacaw-0 Yes! That was a good question, and it wasn't easy or hard!
Looking forward to the weekly Livestream in Romania! Is there going to be one?
Hold up Prof. Loh does livestreams in other countries?
yeah, hes going to romania to participate in a math compitition. I'm pretty sure
Dang that's cool. Hope I'll be good enough for that one day.
Hey did you guys know you can customize your profile image, username, and profile banner? Also how do I get reputation?
You click on your own image and it sends you to your settings
@po is the illusion called the checker-shadow illusion?
@placidmacaw-0 Yes, according to Wikipedia!
@TSS-Graviser I just gave you reputation.
Click on the "up" arrow next to the word "Quote"
@debbie is there going to be a live stream on sunday?
@placidmacaw-0 It's going to be on Saturday, Feb. 29th, at 2 p.m. (EST Eastern Time)
Prof. Loh will do it from his laptop all the way in Romania!
ok So for me I'm in china, I will have to wake up in the morning to watch it!
@placidmacaw-0 He's taking the U.S. team to the Romanian Master of Mathematics Competition, which they did not badly at last year!
Looking forward to talking to you!
Ooh yay thanks @debbie for the upvote.
@po Thanks for such a cool illusion! I never expected that A and B are the same. It’s amazing how our brain can trick us that much.
5 months ago: "Thanks for the upvote!"
Now: me: upvotes almost everything lol -
@po yeah, it's a cool illusion, but how do you tell whether the shade of grey is different or not? Is it just a coincidence and you can use some kind of computer program that breaks the color down to a mix of yellow, blue, and red so you can check if it's the same? Or can you calculate the shadiness of B using the intensity of the light and the density and thickness of the cylinder and then make A the same?
Just wanted to know....curiousity...unstoppable... -
There's actually a video might be embedded within one of these posts if you put it into a color analyzer they're the same