Module 3 Week 2 assessment Question 4
I don't know if it is a trick or not, but that question is good, BUT I don't know the ways we can choose the marbles, can they repeat or not?
And also...Question 6...can we flip the word? And can we use 3 blocks? 2 blocks? 1 block?
@victorioussheep for number 4, it doesn't matter the order of the marbles he picks. Think of it like picking two marbles from the bag at the same time.
for number 6, it mentions that you have to use all 4 blocks. I'm not sure what you mean by flipping the word, just treat it as an arrangement of letters. bdbd is going to look the same as bdbd, even if you swap two of the same blocks
@quacker88 Okay, yeah...I just figured what a weird question it is to ask...thank you for the confirmation of my "believed answer" part