I speak French, Slovak, English and Chinese, and little Polish (only a little)
@tidyboar I speak English, Chinese (badly), and a tiny bit of Spanish.
@debbie lol same except my Chinese is fairly good, like I don't have much of an accent, I know a tiny bit of idioms and my chatting is ok
@The-Blade-Dancer I don't think I pass in those three areas...
@Joshua-Lobert-10 @tidyboar Cool! I speak Chinese and English, learning Spanish in school, a bit of Italian, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Hawaiian. Like @RZ923, a bit means 1-20 words.
I speak English (badly) and Chinese(even worse than english)
Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese
@joshua-lobert-10 I speak Chinese and English. I used to take french but I think I forgot most of it. I also know how to count in Korean. that's it
I speak English and am sort of (but not really) fluent in Chinese
I can speak Chinese and English. I'm okay in Spanish and I know a little of French, Korean, and Hindi.
my chinese and spanish is super bad but my english is good, although I am chinese. I also know how to say hello in all the languages, cause there's kind of like a silly song about it. hola xiao shalom dobredian bonzhu nihao hello gooday gutentague..... you name it
@Joshua-Lobert-10 I can speak English (I think all of the people at LIVE do), okay in Spanish (100% for school grades on that, but this year school didn't have that so I forgot most of it), and can talk in some Chinese, and can understand a lot of it when other people say it.