PO-SHEN LOH X MATHCOUNTS Live Solve on Jan 30, 31 and Feb 1!
Have you taken the MATHCOUNTS Practice Competition #4? It’s really fun, isn’t it? We are very excited to announce that, this year, Prof. Loh is going to collaborate with MATHCOUNTS again!
We will go through all the future 2020-2021 MATHCOUNTS problems in the next few months.
This Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, Po will host 3 1-hour live streams and solve all the problems in Practice Competition #4 on the spot in his own creative way. Make sure you don’t miss it!
Check [poshenloh.com/live](link url) for the most updated upcoming show time and mark it on your calendar. We’ll see you soon!
YouTube Link: [https://www.youtube.com/c/DailyChallengewithPoShenLoh](link url)
@zifan_wisesloth Oh no, I missed it!
I think there are replays, however...?
@sqwishy Yes I think they're on youtube
@tidyboar Ok, thanks