Meet two of the CMU students who have been working on NOVID from the very beginning!
The whole NOVID team works day and night to add new features, improve code, fix bugs, and spread the word about NOVID being the world's most accurate contact-tracing app!
A huge thanks to them for their hard work!!
what's novid
Man they look hot... ahem.
@BananaCake NOVID is an app that Prof. Loh started back in March, when the coronavirus pandemic started causing our city, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to shut down. One night, after brainstorming the idea, he reached out to all his contacts on Facebook and found several students who were interested in helping with this cause. Now the team has grown from a few students to a full staff of engineers, designers and marketing and PR people.
It is also the world's most accurate contact-tracing app, with innovative features that no other app has, including a graphical representation of how "close" COVID-19 is to you (how many degrees of separation you are away from COVID.) Despite the challenges that pit NOVID against other entrenched and widely-known tech companies and research institutions, NOVID is getting noticed and is even being used by places like Georgia Tech, and the city of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
@The-Blade-Dancer yes that studio is hot, yet cool...
No the students... oh no...