When will the next live stream be?
Nice! What's going to happen?
Prof. Loh just won the Museum of Math Masters Tournament this past week, and he will share one of the problems from the final round.
He is currently in Romania as the leader of the U.S. high school team competing in the Romanian Masters of Mathematics Tournament, so he will conduct the live stream from there!
when will the next Livestream be?
@placidmacaw-0 I'm glad you asked! The next live stream will be Sunday, March 8, from 8:00pm - 8:45pm, broadcast all the way from Australia! We'll be sending out an email reminder in our newsletter in the next couple of days.
The next livestream will be this Saturday, March 14th, 8:00-8:45 pm (EST).
Come celebrate \(\pi\) day with us!
Do you want to know how to type "pi" in Latex?
What is sixty times the square root of 5 times \(\textcolor{yellow}{\pi}\) ?
A very full @tss-graviser
@TSS-Graviser You can make a cherry pie like this: \( \textcolor{red}{\pi}\)
I saw from the live chat that Stephen Hawking died on Pi day 2018. How sad and slightly ironic that such a genius has passed.
I can't watch the livestream! Can someone help me?