Overheard (June 2020)
@The-Darkin-Blade I've removed the dot-dots, so hopefully it's not scary-looking anymore.
haha lol
Overheard Monday 6/15/20
"My brain is feeling mushy today." --- M.
"My math teacher likes to call lemmas "lemonlands." --- A.
"The police are after Po-Shen Loh's brain lol." --- A.
"Teachers: they help you solve problems that would never exist without them." --- X.
""Something's fishy..." --- Po-Shen Loh" --- L.
"Can we ram it with a Lohmobile?" --- A.
""Binomial distribution" sounds like a type of leaf blower." --- T.
"Wolf-ram Alpha? It should be Wolf-ram omega." --- L.
"Prof. is allergic to calculation." --- N.
"Celebrated math professor claims that he is lazy!" --- V.
"Bananas are all clones of each other." --- Prof. Loh
"History of bananas with Po-Shen Loh." --- M.
b a n a n a
$$\text{b a n a n a} $$
$$\text{b a n a n a}$$
\(\text{b a n a n a}\)yumty
@Potato2017 Bananas are great, but potatoes are apparently the food with the highest satiety (makes you feel full and satisfied and happy).
@debbie oh lol
Of course it's a potato are you kidding?! Potatoes are god food
Potatoes are best
According to a totally not biased Potato2017
nope totally not
Overheard Tue 6/16/20
"My mom told me to eat a banana and 2 eggs for a test, and you'll get 100 (get it? one zero zero)" --- I.
""The reason I'm doing this is... What is the reason why I'm doing this?" --- Po-Shen Loh. " --- T.
"That's one lumpy circle." --- S.
"I have a grudge against trig in general." --- E.
"Prof. Loh being nurdy now." --- C.
"This one for sure will be easier. Famous last words..." --- Prof. Loh
banana and 2 eggs sure that doesn't sound bad
@debbie What my mum did was one long fritter and two eggs
p o t a t o
Overheard Wednesday 6/17/20
"General, divide our 934 soldiers into 5 squadrons, and make the left over my body guards." --- P.
"I don't know long division, I'm a Roman!" --- V.
"If you showed me this picture that Prof. Loh drew and didn't tell me who drew it, I would think Picasso drew it." --- F.
"Better video game, slicing bananas for Po-Shen Loh." --- A.
"Epic video game of a clock ticking." --- Prof. Loh being sarcastic. " --- V.
"Quantum physics time." --- R.
"Dew it dew it" --- P. (on whether or not to do the ugly calculation)
"I still have two years until I learn this..." --- C.
"LOL we're actually doing this." --- A. (integrals of logarithmic functions)
" "Let's make this live stream simple." --- Proceeds with logs, crazy integrals, and \(e\)" --- Po-Shen Loh
"Calculus for 2nd graders like me." --- R.
"The gentle hum of his voice drives me to insanity while he solves this alien problem." --- P. -
@debbie hahahaha these people are so funny
@Potato2017 There was a palpable frustration from the audience yesterday, as the questions were a bit on the hard side... But don't worry, it won't be like this today (oh wait, today is MBMT...) I mean, tomorrow!
@sqwishy Yes, the live stream is entertaining on many levels (math ideas being only one
lol $$$$
Overheard Thursday 6/18/20
(Montgomery Blair Math Tournament Special Livestream)
"Happy date of existence, Po-Shen Loh!" --- S.
"We are so close to tau day, which is June 28." --- T.
"I named the people in this problem after my friends, lawl" --- Nathan Choi (MBMT problem writer)
""....and banana drops 7 points on the circle." --- Po-Shen Loh" --- S.
""You can make a right angle with your fingers like this... Please do not try this at home. I am not responsible for any of your medical bills." --- Po-Shen Loh." --- E.
"The chat has been cleared of mice." --- T.
"Po-Shen Loh, do you need a cameraman? If so, pls pick me." --- F.
"Who is the cameraman?" "That's Prof. Loh." "He is everything but the moderators." --- A.
"He should teach a class on stand-up comedy." --- A.
"I got inspiration to write this problem from a classroom app we used in orchestra. The teacher gives a grid of colors to every student and asks a 4-choice question." --- Gabriel Wu (MBMT problem writer)
"I broke my wrist trying to impersonate Po-Shen Loh." --- Fish Stick
""Po-Shen Loh: explains math has to include don't try this at home disclaimer." --- A.
"Oof, he was drinking water this entire time." --- A.
"Bananananananana for wrong answer." --- R.