CBS News talks about NOVID
It is now in both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store!
finally yay
Prof. Loh's free totally anonymous contact-tracing app, NOVID, was featured in Karma magazine recently, in addition to some local news outlets like WPXI, and TribLive, as well as on Carnegie Mellon's website.. Prof. Loh also talks about the math behind NOVID in this talk done in collaboration with Math for America.
ICYMI (In case you missed it)
Prof. Loh won the Presidential Early Career Award last year, the highest honor bestowed by the United States government to outstanding scientists and engineers who are beginning their independent research careers and who show exceptional promise for leadership in science and technology.
Prof. Loh was covered in this News China article from June 10, 2020!
NOVID featured in this TechCrunch article highlighting different contact-tracing apps.
NOVID is the world's first anonymous contact-tracing app for COVID-19 using not just Bluetooth but also Ultrasound, for accuracy. No other app works as well or is as accurate as NOVID!
The new version of NOVID will display the distance in feet and inches to another NOVID user. See the demo video here!
Hey that's Prof. Loh!
@The-Darkin-Blade Yes, he's like @v4913, he's everywhere
lol $$$$
Just released: NOVID is the most accurate app for contact tracing!!!
Carnegie Mellon University's front-page article from June 26, 2020 says,
"In a newly-released systematic experiment, the app correctly classified over 99% of the faraway interactions as such."
NOVID is mentioned in this Youtube video produced by Fastech Synergy Philippines Inc.!
"Say yes to NOVID," an article by, came out July 9, 2020!
I really really really wish my school would use NOVID because we're most likely going back to school in the fall, and they're saying that if everyone wears face coverings (and not necessarily one that work since SOME PEOPLE won't wear them properly), then students can be less than three feet away from each other. Also, if students AREN'T wearing face masks, "Students will be at least three feet away from each other." What happened to 6 feet?
Pay @RZ923 with all the math lessons for free
I was on Discord, and this one user posted:
3.14159, this is π
Followed by 2-6-5-3-5-8-9
Circumference over diameter7-9, then 3-2-3
OMG! Can't you see?
And now we're on a spree38 and 32, now we're blue
Oh, who knew?
7, 950 and then a two
88 and 41, so much fun
Now a run
Then 3-7, 51Half way done!
0-5-8, now don't be late
2-0-9, where's the wine?
7-4, it's on the floor
Then 9-4-4-5-92-3-0, we gotta go
7-8, we can't wait
We're almost near the end, keep going62, we're getting through
0-8-9-9, on time
There's only a few more!8-2, then 5-3
42, 11, 7-0 and 67
We're done! Was that fun?
Learning random digits
So that you can brag to your friendsNot a math server, it was a Discord bot server. I have no idea where he/she got it from but it was interesting and math related hence why it's here.