Forum Link
The forum link isn't there anymore
@divinedolphin The forum links are still there! They got moved to the mini-question explanations.
It says "Click here to see forum posts about this lesson!" but there isn't anything to click
@divinedolphin Hi there, I took a look at the Module 2 lessons (I think that's what you're in the middle of). Could you be meaning that the forum categories for those lessons are still empty? I couldn't find anything wrong with the links themselves. I'm sorry if this is misleading; some of the forum categories are empty right now. Feel free to start a new post!
I was doing Month 5 right now, (I'm mostly done with Month 2) and it still has the "Click here to see forum posts about this lesson!" right under the video, but there isn't any link.
@divinedolphin Okay, thanks! I will check it out.