Overheard from the Livestream (March 2021)
Overheard from the Saturday, March 6, 2021 Livestream
"How many of you came early just to hear the music?" --- K. L.
"I'm waiting for the "Prove \(0^0\) is irrational" question in module 11 still" --- P. F. N.
"IM PUMPED!!!!! so ready for math" --- K. L.
"I'm teaching my friends math by sending a link to a poshenloh streme!" --- P. F. N.
"how dare you use your Bad Terrible Stultus Account on potion lotion livestream" --- E. P.
"Simon says listen to prof" --- " ---- Ccc (After Prof. Loh mentions Simon's Favorite Factoring Trick)
“Simon Says Don’t Wear a Green Shirt, okay?” --- Prof. Loh
"the 7 dislikes are people who are disappearing from reality because they wore a green shirt in front of a green screen" --- P. F. N.
"Can we trap a zoid?" --- P. F. N. (In response to someone asking about how to find the area of a trapezoid)
"Put in some jeopardy music for when he's thinking......" --- K. L.
"the excitement builds" --- H. W.
"I’m in 7th grade and I can’t even understand anything." --- F. A.
"I know Ariana Grande but she definitely does not me…" --- W. (In response to the math question about 6 people at a party and whether they know each other or not).
"can i join the party" --- T. D.
"then you'd be breaking social distance laws" --- S. X.
"it is, it's just 6 rebels without masks who found eachother and started dancing." --- P. P.
"it's a virtual party" --- D. M.
"Your hair is more green than I recall" --- P14
"emoji that people used the most during this livestream: :
" --- E. P.
"GORDAN RAMSEY" --- S. (In response to Prof. Loh mentioning Ramsey's Theorem)
"cooking has entered the chat" --- H. W.
"one impostor remains" --- S. X.
"we youtube small brain appreciate the time of potion lotion" --- P. P.
"I wish this could go on forever" --- H. W.
gordon ramsay be like: why you spell my name wrong? huh? [insert a few curses]
Overheard from the March 20, 2021 Livestream
“I solved that part already. I chose your question.” --- Prof. Loh (in response to the question, "Can you choose my question?")