Common Numerator
The numbers are 11/3, 22/7, and 33/10.
We are asked to compare, but we see that 112 = 22 and 113 = 33, then Can we make a common numerator?
11/3 = 22/6 = 33/9 Now we can compare the fractions easily. 33/9 > 33/10 since 1/9 > 1/10. and 22/6 > 22/7 since 1/6 > 1/7. -
@angeliccanary Yep, that's exactly right-- good job!
(As a sidenote-- you found that 11/3 is the biggest fraction out of all of them. Can you use the same common numerator method to figure out which of 22/7 and 33/10 is bigger - and complete the problem that way?)