7/10/20 Update to the Change to the Schedule change for the next few live streams
I've never actually listened to his live streams before (at least not live), but I'm planning on listening tomorrow
@debbie said in Change to the Schedule change for the next 5 live streams:
That said, Prof. Loh has an unprecedented about of work related to MOP (the Math Olympiad Program) in the next few weeks which will unfortunately interfere with the normal live stream times.
Do you mean "amount" of work?
@Potato2017 Yes, thanks for noticing!
Sorry for the schedule changes, but it looks like a MOP event just got planned, so we'll have to move the Thursday live stream to Friday, July 17 for next week. Thanks so much for your patience; have a great day!
For the next three weeks while MOP is in session, live streams will be once a week on
Friday, July 17, 2020, 4:00-5:00 p.m. EST.
Friday, July 24, 2020, 4:00-5:00 p.m. EST
Friday, July 31, 2020, 4:00-5:00 p.m. ESTThanks so much for your support and for watching; have a great day!
So once a week? waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
@The-Rogue-Blade Yes, it's because Prof. Loh is running the MOP (Math Olympiad Program) camp right now, online, through the month of July. He teaches classes and runs seminars and panel meetings. On top of that, he's also working on NOVID. He loves to do the live streams, though, which is why he hasn't canceled them entirely. Please stick around, and the live streams will pick up again starting in August. Thank you for asking!
He's busy for sure. Do you think Prof. Loh could teach coding classes, by the way? I'm just curious.
@The-Rogue-Blade If there is enough interest for such a class, Prof. Loh might consider making one! We are actually diving into making a new class specially about the math that Prof. Loh used for making his NOVID app. It's going to be a one-of-a-kind class, combining all topics under the theme of fighting COVID-19. It will be out within the next few weeks.
Coding would be really useful though. Or maybe I just want to learn.
@The-Rogue-Blade I will send this request along
Thank you for this recommendation!