Bug? For some reason, every time I click confirm on a mini question, it brings me to the bottom of the page
@amiabletiger I didn't think of that! That's possible too, as long as there are no privacy issues involved.
@divinedolphin Thank you so much! Is it okay if I share this link with Thinkific customer support? This might really help to troubleshoot the problem!
Sure! Just that there's a bit of a spoiler for Prof. Loh's course.
@divinedolphin Thinkific Support said this:
"I tried this on my browser (Chrome), and it worked just fine! I did not have to physically scroll up.
This may be browser related and can often be resolved with a quick cache clear. Can you try clearing your cache, cookies and browser history, then restart the browser?
If it still continues, can you also try the following?
Browser TroubleshootingI hope this helps. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any other questions. Have a great day!"
I'll keep thinking about this; for now, I'm not sure what the source of the problem could be. Thanks again for all of your help!
@debbie I cleared my cache and restarted Chrome, but it still isn't fixed. Incognito windows and Microsoft Edge have the same problem. Could it (Edge having the problem) be because Edge is synced with Chrome? Also, sometimes when I do the mini question correctly and click the Confirm and Next button, it tells me that I got it wrong. \(\text{\tiny {Hi!}}\)
@divinedolphin Oh dear! I will let Thinkific know that you tried clearing the cache and that it didn't work. As for the mini-questions giving the wrong answer response, would you mind telling me which lessons you're referring to? This might be a bug that is on our end.
Thank you so much for all of your help; it is really appreciated!
@debbie It only happens once in a while, at most ten times since I started these courses, and I think it happens randomly. It's usually perfectly fine if I click View Again (and do the mini question again).
@divinedolphin Oh, that's very strange!
I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, and I really appreciate you keeping track of all the bugs for us. It is so helpful!
I will save this to my list of things to troubleshoot.
Bugs are actually very hard to replicate and often once you do it it doesn't come back again
@The-Blade-Dancer Like that aft-repeated phrase.... "Turn it off and on again..."
Oh wait I know what he's talking about it happens for me too pretty sure it's just a part of the system
not a bug
@The-Blade-Dancer That's interesting, would you mind explaining what makes it happen?
Clicking the confirm button.
I often scroll up the second I click confirm and nothing happens
I know that fixes the problem, but I never had to do it before this bug.