"Say yes to NOVID," an article by, came out July 9, 2020!
I really really really wish my school would use NOVID because we're most likely going back to school in the fall, and they're saying that if everyone wears face coverings (and not necessarily one that work since SOME PEOPLE won't wear them properly), then students can be less than three feet away from each other. Also, if students AREN'T wearing face masks, "Students will be at least three feet away from each other." What happened to 6 feet?
Pay @RZ923 with all the math lessons for free
I was on Discord, and this one user posted:
3.14159, this is π
Followed by 2-6-5-3-5-8-9
Circumference over diameter7-9, then 3-2-3
OMG! Can't you see?
And now we're on a spree38 and 32, now we're blue
Oh, who knew?
7, 950 and then a two
88 and 41, so much fun
Now a run
Then 3-7, 51Half way done!
0-5-8, now don't be late
2-0-9, where's the wine?
7-4, it's on the floor
Then 9-4-4-5-92-3-0, we gotta go
7-8, we can't wait
We're almost near the end, keep going62, we're getting through
0-8-9-9, on time
There's only a few more!8-2, then 5-3
42, 11, 7-0 and 67
We're done! Was that fun?
Learning random digits
So that you can brag to your friendsNot a math server, it was a Discord bot server. I have no idea where he/she got it from but it was interesting and math related hence why it's here.
Tbh I'm probably never going to remember that
Unless Prof. Loh gets like 20 more digits in his phone number and they are all of pi that would make a lot more people try to remember it
@divinedolphin 3 feet wow I think it's wearing masks you still need 6. It feels like people need some sort of scare like their own family getting COVID or themselves getting COVID to actually start caring.
@coherentmango idk why but your status and your signature is just a bunch of black blocks
Wow! That's even more digits than I know! In fourth grade my math teacher said she would give us a school dollar for every digit we memorized, I got like 80. School dollars meaning fake money/currency that you can only use at school.
@The-Rogue-Blade Some people are hosting things called COVID parties and invite infected people to come. People think COVID is a hoax and use this to prove/disprove their theory. -
also imagine you got real money
Yay, more NOVID news!
Today, the Washington Examiner posted this article about NOVID: "A personal COVID-19 radar could be key to resuming daily life."
They even tweeted about us too!
Sad thing is, a lot of people here aren't willing/too lazy to get NOVID, won't mark themselves as positive(even if they got positive on a test), and won't stay home if they are (or at least potentially) sick.
@divinedolphin Exactly, I doubt that NOVID would really be much use unless much more people start using it.
Some people don’t have access to some apps for some reason.
For example, my mum searched CovidSafe, an Australian tracking app, and it didn’t show up.
Don’t know if this happens to Novid. -
I like the in-app design they showed looks neat
@RZ923 That's an awesome idea!!! It's super catchy!
@sqwishy Oh wow, I was super late huh XD
Breaking News: Georgia Tech is officially going to be using NOVID for its students, faculty and staff!!"Researchers from the Georgia Tech Research Institute’s Software Assurance Branch have evaluated NOVID for privacy protections to make sure it doesn’t record personal information that could identify users — and for cybersecurity issues to make sure it protects the device."
[Quoted from the released internal email sent to Georgia Tech community members: ]
"Tech has begun using NOVID, an exposure notification app that will help students, staff, and faculty be anonymously notified if they have potentially been exposed to Covid-19. Use of the app is voluntary, and it is available at no cost to members of the Georgia Tech community. Information about the app is available from the Covid Central portal.
NOVID captures no personally identifiable information from users. Instead, smartphones running the app exchange synthetic codes with other smartphones that are nearby for more than a brief period of time. If the owner of one of the phones tests positive for the virus, they can notify other app users who they have been in contact with, without identifying themselves or sharing any personal information.
In a large community, exposure notification apps can fill in the gaps by finding individuals who might have been close enough to be exposed to the virus but not known to the individual with a positive test result. These scenarios could include, for instance, someone working nearby in a makerspace or lab — or working out on nearby equipment at the gym.
Installed on an iOS or Android smartphone, the app exchanges information with other phones also running the app. It records a frequently changing code to other devices so they can be alerted if necessary — but without sharing any personally identifiable information. Pairs of code interactions are stored on the NOVID server for a limited period of time.
NOVID leverages a combination of ultrasound and Bluetooth technology to note other devices that are within 6 feet, and only if they remain that close for 15 minutes or more. By briefly using the device’s microphone and measuring the time sound takes to travel, ultrasound can accurately measure the distance between devices. It does not record phones that may be nearby but on the other side of a wall, preventing notifications that may not truly involve exposure risk.
If a student receives a positive Covid-19 test at Stamps Health Services, they will be given a one-time code that they can enter into the app, which will send a notification to other phones the app has recorded as potential exposures. Community members who have received positive tests elsewhere on campus or off campus are required, as part of public health regulations, to report this to Stamps Health Services. They will also receive an app notification code after they have contacted Stamps.
Persons being warned through NOVID of a potential exposure will be encouraged to isolate themselves, monitor for symptoms, and be tested for the virus. The app will provide directions for how to contact relevant campus services when alerting a user that they have potentially been exposed.
Researchers from the Georgia Tech Research Institute’s Software Assurance Branch have evaluated NOVID for privacy protections to make sure it doesn’t record personal information that could identify users — and for cybersecurity issues to make sure it protects the device.
NOVID can be downloaded from Apple’s App Store or Android’s Google Play Store. Georgia Tech community members should enter the community code "JACKETS" on the NOVID settings."